The Manitoba Organization of Faculty Associations represents approximately 1,600 academic staff across Manitoba’s four public universities. MOFA advocates for the integrity, autonomy and accessibility of higher education and the protection of academic freedom in a free and democratic society.

MOFA endeavours to weigh in on issues of concern that impact academic staff from across Manitoba’s four public universities

Invest in Manitoba's Universities

Manitoba’s post-secondary institutions are indispensable in meeting the needs of Manitobans, creating good jobs, a strong economy, and vibrant communities.

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Investir dans nos universités, c'est investir dans l'avenir du Manitoba

Les établissements d’enseignement postsecondaire du Manitoba sont indispensables pour répondre aux besoins de la population manitobaine et créer de bons emplois, une économie forte et des communautés dynamiques.


MOFA Statement in Support of Students’ Right to Protest

14 May 2024 Winnipeg, Treaty 1 territory – The Manitoba Organization of Faculty Associations (MOFA) affirms the importance of students’ right to free expression, peaceful assembly, and free association including protesting the atrocities in Gaza on the campuses of...

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MOFA affirms support for and with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community

September 22, 2023 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Treaty 1 - The Manitoba Organization of Faculty Associations (MOFA) unequivocally states our support for and with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community here in Manitoba and across Canada. MOFA notes that the 1 Million March 4 Children...

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MOFA Statement in support of #SearchTheLandfill

MOFA Statement in support of #SearchTheLandfill The Manitoba Organization of Faculty Organizations (MOFA) is joining a chorus of growing voices and the families of Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran in calling for a search of the Prairie Green landfill. MOFA calls on...

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Opinion: Underfunding hurts Brandon and university

Underfunding hurts Brandon and university This piece originally appeared in the March 25th edition of the Brandon Sun. It is republished on the MOFA website with the permission of the Brandon Sun By: Deveryn Ross Posted: 3:00 AM CDT Saturday, Mar. 25, 2023 It’s been a...

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Keep Brandon University from meeting Laurentian’s fate

This opinion piece originally appeared in the Winnipeg Free Press: IN February 2021, Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ont., became the first Canadian...

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Brandon University Left Behind in Budget 2023  

By Zach Fleisher As the old adage goes, budgets are not only a financial blueprint for a government’s plan but also demonstrate their choices and values. Manitoba’s universities have been under attack by the Manitoba Government. Since the 2017 budget, funding below...

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MOFA Provincial Budget Submission

MOFA has submitted the following budget submission to the Government of Manitoba: MANITOBA ORGANIZATION OF FACULTY ASSOCIATIONS 2023 PROVINCIAL BUDGET SUBMISSION The Manitoba Organization of Faculty Associations (MOFA) represents more than 2,000 faculty who teach,...

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MOFA Letter to Minister Sarah Guillemard

MOFA has sent the following letter to Minister Sarah Guillemard, Minister of Advanced Education and Training: Hon. Sarah Guillemard MLA for Fort Richmond Minister of Advanced Education and Training Room 141 Legislative Building 450 Broadway Winnipeg, MB R3C 0V8 Phone:...

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MOFA Letter to Minister Jon Reyes

Despite the Premier's claim that she intended to "take a bit of a step back" from the "Tennessee model" or performance-based funding, MOFA is still waiting for official confirmation that the government intends to actually stop this regressive policy. We have written...

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MOFA Response to the Speech from the Throne

Universities are still not a priority for the Stefanson government The Speech from the Throne signals that this government will continue to interfere with Manitoba’s universities, giving primacy to the immediate needs of the labour market rather than student and...

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MOFA Supports CUPE Education Workers in Ontario

The Manitoba Organization of Faculty Associations (MOFA) strongly condemns the Ontario government's Bill 28, "Keeping Students in Class Act," and the use of the notwithstanding clause to violate the Charter rights of over 55,000 CUPE education workers in the province....

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MOFA Brief on Performance-Based Funding

MOFA has prepared the following response to the Department of Advanced Education, Skills and Immigration's request for additional consultations on a performance-based funding model (PBF) in Manitoba. MOFA has previously engaged the department on this matter through...

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MOFA Submission on Performance Based Funding        

MOFA has prepared this public document in response to the provincial government's consultation on performance-based funding. It is our hope that the provincial government will reconsider this policy direction, which could cause long-term damage to Manitoba's...

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MOFA Statement on the 2022 Manitoba Budget

MOFA: Manitoba Budget hollows out Manitoba universities Years of cuts continue to undermine post-secondary education in Manitoba Winnipeg – The new PC budget does nothing to invest in the future of Manitoba, with more cuts to university operating grants for Manitoba’s...

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BILL 55 The Winnipeg Jets Sustainable Administration Act

What if our provincial government interfered with the Winnipeg Jets like they interfere with our universities? This "draft" bill might shed some light.* BILL 55 The Winnipeg Jets Sustainable Administration Act Preamble: The Manitoba government has previously invested...

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MOFA 5 Point Post-secondary Education Plan

MOFA strongly believes that we need a post-secondary education system that: 1. Will be provided with adequate public funding, with clear multi-year funding commitments that will allow our institutions to best serve Manitobans. 2. Will be affordable and accessible to...

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MOFA Response to Throne Speech

Premier Stefanson announced that a new funding policy would be implemented that would “encourage the desired outcomes.” Any new funding policy has been developed without consultation with the key stakeholders, faculty and students. The graduates of Manitoba...

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Union busting at the University of Manitoba

The current PC government is no friend of organized labour and upon taking office in 2016  immediately took aim at the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA). UMFA and the  University were in the middle of contract negotiations and the university...

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New Premier, same anti-education sentiment

New Premier, same anti-education sentiment Stefanson can stop the strike by walking away from interference Despite promising a fresh start, Premier Heather Stefanson appears committed Brian Pallister’s assault on our public education system. The new PC government is,...

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